- Lowest cost per printed page
- Reduced or no upfront cost for hardware
- No supplies to keep on-site or remember to order
- Monthly reports on print volume and usage
- Someone else responsible for repairs
- Automated management and reporting of any issues

A new customer called for support for their copier that was making odd noises while scanning and printing. Since this was an obvious hardware issue, we contacted the company that sold them the copier for a repair call. A few days later the customer called back to ask us if we thought the $1,000 repair estimate sounded right. We quickly replied “No, let’s investigate”.
We checked the meters and found their usage to be 11,000 pages per month and their cost per page to be 11 cents. The customer thought these were fair rates for what should be a cost-effective copier/printer. However, we know that the average cost per page can be as low as 1 cent per page. We proposed a new printer and our Managed Print Service that would start at near the cost of the repair only, and our solution included a new printer, 2 years maintenance, and we ensured that replacement toner cartridges would be delivered days before they needed replacement. Plus, repairs are automatically scheduled when an issue is detected, instead of after the fact. We lowered their total cost per page to 3 cents, and over the 24 months of the contract we conservatively saved them 3 to 4 times the cost of the printer. This was a big win for our client with the new hardware and service resulting in significant monthly savings and increased uptime for their staff.
The savings that new hardware can bring is sometimes overlooked when considering repairs. In this instance, it’s easy to show value. However, the Managed Print model also allows for no stocking of toner cartridges since they are only delivered when they are needed. Scheduled Maintenance is done in advance with notice to the client about outages and time frames. Many issues can be repaired prior to failure and are always done by a vendor certified repair technician. It’s the hands-off solution for a business that needs to focus on its responsibilities… not its tech issues.