- Level up its tech’s brain trust
- Align technology with the business plan and decision makers
- Give us a deeper understanding of your business, its methodologies, and procedures
- Work with board members to show the value of updating technology and standards
- Highlight and enhance technical advantages that can bring revenue and profit

Running a production company in LA can be quite a ride. There’s plenty of competition; and always a bid to submit, a permit to pull, and fire to put out. Our client had a trust issue with anyone handling his technology. That resulted in him dealing with tech issues for half his day. Most of his struggles stemmed from relying on several pieces of software to talk with one another. They were not built to work together and so they didn’t. He wanted to grow the company and finally concluded that he needed help. We stepped in as the company’s vCIO and brought value right away. We moved him from Mac environment to a Windows environment. As a die-hard Mac user, this wasn’t easy, but we showed him how his workstations can remain Mac, while using a Windows server. Besides the significant boost in his network’s performance, he especially likes having so many more software choices available.
We also created an ERP system just for his company. Instead of several applications awkwardly trying to work together as a system, he now has one system built just for him; addressing his needs to perfection.
In a word – trust. Our clients trust us to manage their technology, and some of our clients trust us enough to help develop the part of the roadmap that governs every part of their business; operations, sales, marketing, administration, quality control, and finance. If your business needs all of these areas to work together smoothly then let’s have that conversation.