AT&T Data Breach – 9 Million Affected


In a recent statement, telecommunications giant AT&T confirmed that a hack on a vendor it was working with exposed around 9 million accounts. AT&T said that the sensitive information…

Hiatus Malware Targets Business Routers


There is a new malware campaign targeting business-grade routers. It is called Hiatus, a complex operation that deploys the HiatusRAT malware. It is a kind of Remote Access Trojan…

Cerebral Data Breach – 3.18 Million Affected


Cerebral, an online platform that offers mental health care services, recently suffered a data breach that may have affected up to 3.18 million users. According to its report, the…

Maintain Customer Trust By Scaling Up IT Systems


Every business owner knows that forming a strong relationship with customers is essential to succeed. And two important elements of this relationship are positive customer experience and customer trust….